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Writer's pictureMarie Foerste

5 Signs That You Are Ready To Create Online Courses

Updated: Jul 22

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The thought of creating an online course can be exciting and rewarding. An online course offers the opportunity to share knowledge, help others, and earn a passive income.

This is the dream of so many people, which unfortunately is so often pushed into the future because somehow the time is never right.

How do you know if you're ready to take that step? 🤔

I thought back to my early days and came up with 5 signs that signal to you that you're ready to create online courses.

1. 🔨 You want to stop working 9-5 🙅🏻

If you're longing to get away from traditional 9-5 work and want to work flexibly instead, creating an online courses is a great option for you.

As an online course creator you have a online business in which you decide when you work and when you take time for yourself. And you also decide where you want to work from. You can create your courses once and then sell it again and again, giving you the freedom to use your time however you want.

If you finally want to stop working 9-5, then it's time to create online courses!

2 💸 You want to earn money while you sleep 🛌

Who doesn't dream of waking up in the morning and realising that money has flowed into your account while you were sleeping? It doesn't have to be a dream!

A big advantage of creating online courses is the potential for passive income. Once a course is created and published, people can buy and consume it at any time. This means that you can earn money even when you're not actively working because you're spending time with your family, traveling or, actually, sleeping. This income can provide you with financial security and give you the freedom to focus on other projects or personal interests.

So, if you dream of earning money while you are sleeping, you are certainly ready to create online courses.

3 📓 You are particularly knowledgeable about one topic 💡

Is there a topic that you have been working on for so long that you now know it really well?

Maybe you have years of experience in your professional field, or you have a hobby that you are particularly talented in. Perhaps you have even developed a very special method for solving a problem.

Your knowledge is valuable! And you are welcome to pack this value into an online course and let other people benefit from it. An online course is an excellent way to convey your knowledge in a structured and appealing way.

Can you think of a topic straight away? Then you're ready to create online courses about it!

4. 🗣 You want to share your knowledge with others 🧑🏻‍🏫️

Do you enjoy helping others by sharing your knowledge, skills or methods? Do you love to inspire others?

It is a great feeling to see when others have progressed in their professional, personal, and spiritual development because they have asked for your advice and implemented your tips.

With every person you have touched and transformed by sharing your knowledge, you have made a contribution to a better world. That can be incredibly fulfilling! Creating online courses gives you the opportunity to reach a wider audience and have a positive impact on the lives of many people.

If you feel the desire to share your knowledge and help other people, then you are ready to start creating online courses!

5. ✈️ You have an exciting goal in mind 🌎 🚗

Do you have a special goal in mind, such as traveling the world, buying a new car or starting your own business?

Many of us work in salaried positions and live on a fixed income that doesn't increase until the next career step. No matter how hard and how many more hours they work.

As an online course creator, you decide for yourself how much effort you want to put in and therefore how much you want to earn. Set up correctly, your earnings from your online courses can provide you with the financial basis to realize all your dreams in a short amount of time and prepare you for something really exciting.

So if you don't want to wait forever to earn your dream income, then you're at the point where you should start creating online courses.

In Summary

There are many signs that you're ready create online courses. While the most obvious ones are probably quitting your 9-5 job, wanting to earn while you sleep, having a particular subject that you are particularly knowledgeable about, enjoying sharing your knowledge and having particular exciting goals, there are many more signs.

It is important that you look inside yourself to see if this path is the right one for you and also to understand what your intention behind it is. It is not always necessary to leave all certainties behind and start something new and unknown. You may want to start your first online course as a side business.

If you're wondering whether now is the right time to create an online course, feel free to get in touch with me via email or social media. I will be happy to give you my personal advice on your individual situation.   

I also have a valuable Facebook group where we support each other in creating online courses and have regular live events.

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