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A little bit about me

Welcome to the page where you can find out more about me, my journey to become a VA for online course creation and what fascinated me about onlie courses..

My story (in short)

Marie Foerste with long hair in a black sweater smiling into the camera

My name is Marie and I am your virtual assistant when it comes to creating, producing, translating and promoting your online course. 


After completing a postgraduate degree in the UK and working 7 years as an employee in the field of business and sales development for various companies I decided to leave all of this behind and start my own business. I wanted to be free from a 9-5 hour working routine and become my own boss. 


In 2021 I left my home country, Germany, and moved to Mexico - a place where I, personally, feel more inspired, meet lots of digital nomads, and enjoy the sun on a daily basis. I opened an LLC in the US and initially started supporting various clients with my services as a virtual assistant for business development and sales.

2022 I translated an online course for the first time from English into German, including the generation of my German voice-over. Following this I was approached by various people helping them with their online courses as well.


Having now almost 2 years of experience helping people to produce, translate and promote their online courses, I decided to entirely focus on this area by offering my personal 1:1 assistance, the translation of existing courses and, of course, through my own online course. 

What fascinates me about online courses?

I myself have learnt a lot through online course and there are a number of things that fascinate me about having an online course. 

Share your knowledge.


Anything you obtain a deeper knowledge of and any skill you have can form the basis of your online course. You don’t need to be an expert in your field and for most topics you don’t even need to hold a special specification. Your only job as a course creator is to collect valuable content, put it into a logical structure and add your personal touch to the presentation. Whether you know of a special way you found to make gluten-free vegan cookies or you developed a special approach to teaching the Python programming language.





Reach a global audience. â€‹


With an online course you have the chance to put it out there to anyone that has access to the Internet and understands the language of your online course. And you can create a course that is entirely running by itself, including the marketing. 

A pink macbook air and a black coffee cup. In the background you see a jungle house and a palmtree

Generate passive income.


Once, your online course is produced and published, it will generate income on its own. The passive income you create will give you a better work-life balance and the freedom for other, more purposeful things in life, such as spending time with your family, traveling, and volunteering. And for doing the things you truly enjoy and that are helping your personal development. Therefore, to me creating online courses is a way to reach long-term abundance while contributing to the growth of global knowledge and skills.  


On the road to abundance...

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